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Virginia Housing offices will be closed on Monday January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Payment Standards for Virginia Housing

The voucher payment standards on this page apply to any voucher administered by a Virginia Housing Local Housing Agency.


This schedule does not apply to PHAs that administer a HUD direct HCV Program.

Virginia Housing voucher payment standards (VPS) are 110% of the fair market rents (FMR). The increase will take effect on January 1, 2024.

Housing Choice Voucher Payment Standards

  • Effective 1/1/2024
    Locality 0BR 1BR 2BR 3BR 4BR 5BR 6BR 7BR 8BR
    Accomack County $842 $915 $1,031 $1,423 $1,751 $2,013 $2,275 $2,538 $2,801
    Albemarle County $1,531 $1,556 $1,845 $2,325 $2,868 $3,298 $3,729 $4,159 $4,589
    Alleghany County $823 $828 $995 $1,316 $1,379 $1,586 $1,793 $1,999 $2,206
    Amelia County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Amherst County $1,042 $1,062 $1,202 $1,643 $1,789 $2,058 $2,326 $2,594 $2,863
    Appomattox County $1,042 $1,062 $1,202 $1,643 $1,789 $2,058 $2,326 $2,594 $2,863
    Arlington County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Augusta County $1,079 $1,085 $1,263 $1,777 $2,114 $2,431 $2,747 $3,064 $3,382
    Bath County $804 $808 $1,003 $1,314 $1,538 $1,768 $1,999 $2,230 $2,461
    Bedford County $1,042 $1,062 $1,202 $1,643 $1,789 $2,058 $2,326 $2,594 $2,863
    Bland County $797 $803 $995 $1,402 $1,526 $1,755 $1,984 $2,213 $2,442
    Botetourt County $892 $983 $1,196 $1,664 $1,936 $2,226 $2,516 $2,807 $3,097
    Brunswick County $797 $803 $995 $1,402 $1,607 $1,848 $2,088 $2,329 $2,570
    Buchanan County $797 $803 $995 $1,293 $1,456 $1,674 $1,893 $2,110 $2,329
    Buckingham County $907 $941 $1,111 $1,369 $1,494 $1,718 $1,942 $2,167 $2,391
    Campbell County $1,042 $1,062 $1,202 $1,643 $1,789 $2,058 $2,326 $2,594 $2,863
    Caroline County $1,040 $1,047 $1,299 $1,830 $2,140 $2,460 $2,781 $3,103 $3,424
    Carroll County $800 $805 $995 $1,393 $1,633 $1,877 $2,123 $2,368 $2,613
    Charles City County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Charlotte County $752 $757 $995 $1,240 $1,526 $1,755 $1,984 $2,213 $2,442
    Chesterfield County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Clarke County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Craig County $892 $983 $1,196 $1,664 $1,936 $2,226 $2,516 $2,807 $3,097
    Culpeper County $1,048 $1,054 $1,376 $1,769 $2,077 $2,389 $2,700 $3,012 $3,324
    Cumberland County $888 $894 $1,108 $1,340 $1,882 $2,163 $2,446 $2,728 $3,010
    Dickenson County $797 $803 $995 $1,203 $1,526 $1,755 $1,984 $2,213 $2,442
    Dinwiddie County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Essex County $917 $922 $1,145 $1,453 $1,756 $2,019 $2,283 $2,546 $2,810
    Fairfax County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Fauquier County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Floyd County $797 $803 $995 $1,333 $1,338 $1,538 $1,740 $1,940 $2,141
    Fluvanna County $1,531 $1,556 $1,845 $2,325 $2,868 $3,298 $3,729 $4,159 $4,589
    Franklin County $759 $849 $995 $1,285 $1,461 $1,680 $1,899 $2,119 $2,338
    Frederick County $1,081 $1,214 $1,529 $1,907 $2,581 $2,968 $3,356 $3,743 $4,130
    Giles County $816 $886 $995 $1,296 $1,369 $1,574 $1,779 $1,985 $2,191
    Gloucester County $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Goochland County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Grayson County $797 $803 $995 $1,400 $1,509 $1,734 $1,961 $2,187 $2,414
    Greene County $1,531 $1,556 $1,845 $2,325 $2,868 $3,298 $3,729 $4,159 $4,589
    Greensville County $805 $810 $1,064 $1,437 $1,581 $1,818 $2,055 $2,293 $2,530
    Halifax County $812 $853 $995 $1,278 $1,349 $1,552 $1,754 $1,956 $2,159
    Hanover County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Henrico County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Henry County $766 $771 $995 $1,210 $1,442 $1,657 $1,874 $2,090 $2,306
    Highland County $804 $808 $1,003 $1,314 $1,538 $1,768 $1,999 $2,230 $2,461
    Isle of Wight County $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    James City County $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    King and Queen County $1,041 $1,070 $1,201 $1,692 $1,878 $2,160 $2,442 $2,723 $3,005
    King George County $1,239 $1,247 $1,540 $2,170 $2,613 $3,005 $3,396 $3,789 $4,181
    King William County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Lancaster County $982 $987 $1,225 $1,515 $1,739 $1,999 $2,260 $2,521 $2,781
    Lee County $812 $852 $995 $1,272 $1,526 $1,755 $1,984 $2,213 $2,442
    Loudoun County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Louisa County $1,081 $1,111 $1,247 $1,739 $2,116 $2,433 $2,751 $3,067 $3,385
    Lunenburg County $772 $777 $995 $1,348 $1,669 $1,919 $2,170 $2,421 $2,670
    Madison County $864 $871 $1,144 $1,413 $1,678 $1,929 $2,181 $2,433 $2,685
    Mathews County $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Mecklenburg County $765 $771 $1,013 $1,329 $1,349 $1,552 $1,754 $1,956 $2,159
    Middlesex County $999 $1,006 $1,322 $1,598 $2,028 $2,332 $2,636 $2,940 $3,245
    Montgomery County $1,092 $1,098 $1,387 $1,893 $2,354 $2,707 $3,060 $3,413 $3,766
    Nelson County $1,531 $1,556 $1,845 $2,325 $2,868 $3,298 $3,729 $4,159 $4,589
    New Kent County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Northampton County $779 $785 $1,031 $1,453 $1,751 $2,013 $2,275 $2,538 $2,801
    Northumberland County $1,021 $1,028 $1,276 $1,543 $1,956 $2,249 $2,543 $2,836 $3,130
    Nottoway County $785 $790 $1,019 $1,436 $1,683 $1,934 $2,187 $2,439 $2,692
    Orange County $1,043 $1,050 $1,305 $1,742 $2,037 $2,341 $2,647 $2,953 $3,259
    Page County $812 $886 $995 $1,296 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Patrick County $812 $853 $995 $1,203 $1,526 $1,755 $1,984 $2,213 $2,442
    Pittsylvania County $674 $790 $995 $1,350 $1,488 $1,710 $1,933 $2,157 $2,380
    Powhatan County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Prince Edward County $941 $968 $1,152 $1,393 $1,535 $1,765 $1,995 $2,226 $2,456
    Prince George County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Prince William County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Pulaski County $816 $886 $995 $1,366 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Rappahannock County $1,144 $1,175 $1,320 $1,596 $2,239 $2,575 $2,910 $3,247 $3,582
    Richmond County $977 $984 $1,221 $1,476 $2,072 $2,382 $2,693 $3,004 $3,315
    Roanoke County $892 $983 $1,196 $1,664 $1,936 $2,226 $2,516 $2,807 $3,097
    Rockbridge County $849 $926 $1,039 $1,465 $1,612 $1,853 $2,095 $2,337 $2,579
    Rockingham County $1,013 $1,019 $1,323 $1,780 $2,245 $2,581 $2,918 $3,254 $3,591
    Russell County $786 $792 $995 $1,251 $1,422 $1,634 $1,848 $2,061 $2,274
    Scott County $744 $788 $995 $1,296 $1,468 $1,688 $1,908 $2,128 $2,349
    Shenandoah County $829 $932 $1,224 $1,636 $1,643 $1,889 $2,136 $2,382 $2,629
    Smyth County $674 $867 $995 $1,288 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Southampton County $998 $1,001 $1,158 $1,472 $1,965 $2,260 $2,555 $2,850 $3,144
    Spotsylvania County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Stafford County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Surry County $797 $803 $995 $1,402 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Sussex County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Tazewell County $752 $757 $995 $1,203 $1,480 $1,701 $1,923 $2,146 $2,368
    Warren County $969 $975 $1,281 $1,679 $2,174 $2,500 $2,827 $3,152 $3,479
    Washington County $744 $788 $995 $1,296 $1,468 $1,688 $1,908 $2,128 $2,349
    Westmoreland County $981 $986 $1,224 $1,724 $1,977 $2,273 $2,570 $2,867 $3,163
    Wise County $803 $807 $995 $1,357 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Wythe County $759 $764 $1,004 $1,216 $1,703 $1,959 $2,214 $2,470 $2,725
    York County $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Alexandria City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Bristol City $744 $788 $995 $1,296 $1,468 $1,688 $1,908 $2,128 $2,349
    Buena Vista City $849 $926 $1,039 $1,465 $1,612 $1,853 $2,095 $2,337 $2,579
    Charlottesville City $1,531 $1,556 $1,845 $2,325 $2,868 $3,298 $3,729 $4,159 $4,589
    Chesapeake City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Colonial Heights City $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Covington City $823 $828 $995 $1,316 $1,379 $1,586 $1,793 $1,999 $2,206
    Danville City $674 $790 $995 $1,350 $1,488 $1,710 $1,933 $2,157 $2,380
    Emporia City $805 $810 $1,064 $1,437 $1,581 $1,818 $2,055 $2,293 $2,530
    Fairfax City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Falls Church City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Franklin City $998 $1,001 $1,158 $1,472 $1,965 $2,260 $2,555 $2,850 $3,144
    Fredericksburg City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Galax City $800 $805 $995 $1,393 $1,633 $1,877 $2,123 $2,368 $2,613
    Hampton City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Harrisonburg City $1,013 $1,019 $1,323 $1,780 $2,245 $2,581 $2,918 $3,254 $3,591
    Hopewell City $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Lexington City $849 $926 $1,039 $1,465 $1,612 $1,853 $2,095 $2,337 $2,579
    Lynchburg City $1,042 $1,062 $1,202 $1,643 $1,789 $2,058 $2,326 $2,594 $2,863
    Manassas City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Manassas Park City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Martinsville City $766 $771 $995 $1,210 $1,442 $1,657 $1,874 $2,090 $2,306
    Newport News City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Norfolk City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Norton City $803 $807 $995 $1,357 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Petersburg City $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Poquoson City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Portsmouth City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Radford City $1,092 $1,098 $1,387 $1,893 $2,354 $2,707 $3,060 $3,413 $3,766
    Richmond City $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Roanoke City $892 $983 $1,196 $1,664 $1,936 $2,226 $2,516 $2,807 $3,097
    Salem City $892 $983 $1,196 $1,664 $1,936 $2,226 $2,516 $2,807 $3,097
    Staunton City $1,079 $1,085 $1,263 $1,777 $2,114 $2,431 $2,747 $3,064 $3,382
    Suffolk City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Virginia Beach City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Waynesboro City $1,079 $1,085 $1,263 $1,777 $2,114 $2,431 $2,747 $3,064 $3,382
    Williamsburg City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Winchester City $1,081 $1,214 $1,529 $1,907 $2,581 $2,968 $3,356 $3,743 $4,130

  • Effective 7/1/2022
    Locality 0BR 1BR 2BR 3BR 4BR 5BR 6BR 7BR 8BR
    Accomack County $590 $758 $864 $1,201 $1,368 $1,573 $1,778 $1,983 $2,188
    Albemarle County $1,228 $1,275 $1,516 $1,874 $2,350 $2,702 $3,055 $3,408 $3,760
    Alleghany County $700 $704 $886 $1,096 $1,309 $1,504 $1,701 $1,897 $2,094
    Amelia County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Amherst County $890 $891 $1,035 $1,396 $1,586 $1,824 $2,061 $2,299 $2,538
    Appomattox County $890 $891 $1,035 $1,396 $1,586 $1,824 $2,061 $2,299 $2,538
    Arlington County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Augusta County $874 $880 $1,100 $1,506 $1,837 $2,112 $2,388 $2,662 $2,938
    Bath County $578 $674 $847 $1,125 $1,252 $1,440 $1,628 $1,815 $2,004
    Bedford County $890 $891 $1,035 $1,396 $1,586 $1,824 $2,061 $2,299 $2,538
    Bland County $574 $670 $842 $1,196 $1,245 $1,431 $1,618 $1,806 $1,992
    Botetourt County $740 $840 $1,054 $1,424 $1,579 $1,815 $2,052 $2,289 $2,526
    Brunswick County $574 $640 $842 $1,081 $1,274 $1,465 $1,656 $1,846 $2,038
    Buchanan County $726 $739 $842 $1,087 $1,142 $1,312 $1,484 $1,656 $1,827
    Buckingham County $609 $757 $862 $1,138 $1,275 $1,466 $1,657 $1,849 $2,040
    Campbell County $890 $891 $1,035 $1,396 $1,586 $1,824 $2,061 $2,299 $2,538
    Caroline County $1,072 $1,101 $1,256 $1,662 $1,987 $2,284 $2,582 $2,881 $3,178
    Carroll County $574 $716 $842 $1,196 $1,245 $1,431 $1,618 $1,806 $1,992
    Charles City County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Charlotte County $574 $670 $842 $1,071 $1,142 $1,312 $1,484 $1,656 $1,827
    Chesterfield County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Clarke County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Craig County $740 $840 $1,054 $1,424 $1,579 $1,815 $2,052 $2,289 $2,526
    Culpeper County $979 $986 $1,297 $1,712 $2,220 $2,552 $2,886 $3,218 $3,552
    Cumberland County $733 $855 $1,074 $1,327 $1,676 $1,927 $2,179 $2,430 $2,682
    Dickenson County $574 $739 $842 $1,048 $1,305 $1,501 $1,696 $1,892 $2,088
    Dinwiddie County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Essex County $712 $822 $1,044 $1,290 $1,544 $1,776 $2,007 $2,239 $2,470
    Fairfax County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Fauquier County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Floyd County $649 $670 $842 $1,196 $1,311 $1,507 $1,704 $1,900 $2,097
    Fluvanna County $1,228 $1,275 $1,516 $1,874 $2,350 $2,702 $3,055 $3,408 $3,760
    Franklin County $691 $722 $950 $1,174 $1,304 $1,500 $1,695 $1,891 $2,086
    Frederick County $1,041 $1,041 $1,340 $1,732 $2,263 $2,601 $2,941 $3,280 $3,620
    Giles County $592 $739 $842 $1,126 $1,198 $1,377 $1,557 $1,737 $1,917
    Gloucester County $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Goochland County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Grayson County $574 $739 $842 $1,155 $1,261 $1,449 $1,639 $1,827 $2,017
    Greene County $1,228 $1,275 $1,516 $1,874 $2,350 $2,702 $3,055 $3,408 $3,760
    Greensville County $626 $697 $916 $1,238 $1,243 $1,429 $1,615 $1,802 $1,988
    Halifax County $574 $640 $842 $1,111 $1,166 $1,340 $1,515 $1,690 $1,866
    Hanover County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Henrico County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Henry County $636 $640 $842 $1,062 $1,200 $1,380 $1,560 $1,740 $1,920
    Highland County $578 $674 $847 $1,125 $1,252 $1,440 $1,628 $1,815 $2,004
    Isle of Wight County $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    James City County $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    King and Queen County $729 $745 $861 $1,232 $1,330 $1,530 $1,729 $1,929 $2,128
    King George County $885 $1,017 $1,297 $1,843 $1,918 $2,205 $2,493 $2,781 $3,069
    King William County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Lancaster County $763 $890 $1,118 $1,382 $1,516 $1,743 $1,971 $2,198 $2,426
    Lee County $574 $739 $842 $1,077 $1,245 $1,431 $1,618 $1,806 $1,992
    Loudoun County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Louisa County $906 $922 $1,051 $1,467 $1,798 $2,067 $2,337 $2,607 $2,877
    Lunenburg County $574 $739 $842 $1,191 $1,442 $1,658 $1,874 $2,090 $2,307
    Madison County $867 $872 $1,148 $1,419 $1,740 $2,000 $2,262 $2,522 $2,784
    Mathews County $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Mecklenburg County $589 $757 $862 $1,159 $1,206 $1,386 $1,567 $1,748 $1,929
    Middlesex County $745 $868 $1,092 $1,350 $1,615 $1,856 $2,098 $2,341 $2,583
    Montgomery County $891 $961 $1,122 $1,593 $1,920 $2,208 $2,496 $2,784 $3,072
    Nelson County $1,228 $1,275 $1,516 $1,874 $2,350 $2,702 $3,055 $3,408 $3,760
    New Kent County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Northampton County $639 $822 $936 $1,314 $1,392 $1,600 $1,809 $2,018 $2,227
    Northumberland County $705 $822 $1,033 $1,467 $1,528 $1,758 $1,987 $2,216 $2,445
    Nottoway County $619 $795 $906 $1,267 $1,394 $1,603 $1,812 $2,020 $2,230
    Orange County $849 $855 $1,123 $1,501 $1,699 $1,953 $2,208 $2,463 $2,718
    Page County $594 $745 $870 $1,135 $1,489 $1,712 $1,935 $2,158 $2,382
    Patrick County $574 $739 $842 $1,090 $1,245 $1,431 $1,618 $1,806 $1,992
    Pittsylvania County $559 $642 $842 $1,112 $1,248 $1,435 $1,622 $1,809 $1,996
    Powhatan County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Prince Edward County $717 $798 $1,050 $1,298 $1,552 $1,785 $2,018 $2,251 $2,484
    Prince George County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Prince William County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Pulaski County $708 $739 $842 $1,176 $1,442 $1,658 $1,874 $2,090 $2,307
    Rappahannock County $1,028 $1,034 $1,256 $1,674 $1,903 $2,187 $2,473 $2,758 $3,044
    Richmond County $708 $825 $1,036 $1,281 $1,533 $1,762 $1,993 $2,223 $2,452
    Roanoke County $740 $840 $1,054 $1,424 $1,579 $1,815 $2,052 $2,289 $2,526
    Rockbridge County $624 $792 $914 $1,236 $1,239 $1,424 $1,610 $1,796 $1,982
    Rockingham County $861 $867 $1,141 $1,495 $1,953 $2,246 $2,539 $2,832 $3,124
    Russell County $574 $640 $842 $1,041 $1,142 $1,312 $1,484 $1,656 $1,827
    Scott County $628 $655 $842 $1,104 $1,214 $1,395 $1,578 $1,760 $1,942
    Shenandoah County $660 $762 $993 $1,411 $1,509 $1,735 $1,962 $2,188 $2,414
    Smyth County $559 $705 $842 $1,086 $1,416 $1,628 $1,840 $2,053 $2,265
    Southampton County $843 $861 $1,011 $1,353 $1,731 $1,990 $2,250 $2,510 $2,769
    Spotsylvania County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Stafford County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Surry County $574 $670 $842 $1,196 $1,442 $1,658 $1,874 $2,090 $2,307
    Sussex County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Tazewell County $574 $648 $842 $1,041 $1,255 $1,442 $1,630 $1,819 $2,007
    Warren County $822 $940 $1,237 $1,638 $2,118 $2,434 $2,752 $3,070 $3,388
    Washington County $628 $655 $842 $1,104 $1,214 $1,395 $1,578 $1,760 $1,942
    Westmoreland County $718 $800 $1,052 $1,495 $1,784 $2,052 $2,319 $2,587 $2,854
    Wise County $574 $688 $842 $1,129 $1,142 $1,312 $1,484 $1,656 $1,827
    Wythe County $583 $656 $854 $1,056 $1,462 $1,681 $1,900 $2,120 $2,340
    York County $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Alexandria City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Bristol City $628 $655 $842 $1,104 $1,214 $1,395 $1,578 $1,760 $1,942
    Buena Vista City $624 $792 $914 $1,236 $1,239 $1,424 $1,610 $1,796 $1,982
    Charlottesville City $1,228 $1,275 $1,516 $1,874 $2,350 $2,702 $3,055 $3,408 $3,760
    Chesapeake City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Colonial Heights City $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Covington City $700 $704 $886 $1,096 $1,309 $1,504 $1,701 $1,897 $2,094
    Danville City $559 $642 $842 $1,112 $1,248 $1,435 $1,622 $1,809 $1,996
    Emporia City $626 $697 $916 $1,238 $1,243 $1,429 $1,615 $1,802 $1,988
    Fairfax City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Falls Church City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Franklin City $843 $861 $1,011 $1,353 $1,731 $1,990 $2,250 $2,510 $2,769
    Fredericksburg City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Galax City $574 $716 $842 $1,196 $1,245 $1,431 $1,618 $1,806 $1,992
    Hampton City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Harrisonburg City $861 $867 $1,141 $1,495 $1,953 $2,246 $2,539 $2,832 $3,124
    Hopewell City $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Lexington City $624 $792 $914 $1,236 $1,239 $1,424 $1,610 $1,796 $1,982
    Lynchburg City $890 $891 $1,035 $1,396 $1,586 $1,824 $2,061 $2,299 $2,538
    Manassas City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Manassas Park City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Martinsville City $636 $640 $842 $1,062 $1,200 $1,380 $1,560 $1,740 $1,920
    Newport News City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Norfolk City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Norton City $574 $688 $842 $1,129 $1,142 $1,312 $1,484 $1,656 $1,827
    Petersburg City $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Poquoson City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Portsmouth City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Radford City $891 $961 $1,122 $1,593 $1,920 $2,208 $2,496 $2,784 $3,072
    Richmond City $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Roanoke City $740 $840 $1,054 $1,424 $1,579 $1,815 $2,052 $2,289 $2,526
    Salem City $740 $840 $1,054 $1,424 $1,579 $1,815 $2,052 $2,289 $2,526
    Staunton City $874 $880 $1,100 $1,506 $1,837 $2,112 $2,388 $2,662 $2,938
    Suffolk City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Virginia Beach City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Waynesboro City $874 $880 $1,100 $1,506 $1,837 $2,112 $2,388 $2,662 $2,938
    Williamsburg City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Winchester City $1,041 $1,041 $1,340 $1,732 $2,263 $2,601 $2,941 $3,280 $3,620